DMC : Devil May Cry
Plot The story takes place in Limbo City , a contemporary metropolis secretly controlled from the shadows by powerful demons, manipulating humanity through the comforts of life. Living on the fringes of the brainwashed society is Dante , a disenfranchised youth at odds with the demons who constantly hunt him and have made his life a living hell for as long as he could remember. The game's events are set into motion while Dante is taking two women from Devil's Dalliance back to his trailer home at the Bellevue Pier. After a raucous night of booze-fueled promiscuity, Dante wakes up to a young woman warning him that he's in danger. As Dante opens the door, the girl explains that he left a trail for a Hunter Demon to follow, and Dante is subsequently dragged into Limbo . After acrobatically getting dressed, Dante is guided through the Bellevue Pier's carnival by the girl, who introduces herself as Kat, a psychic medium who can see him in Limbo. Upon defeating his demon p